The sweet, sweet writing services that’ll make your brand shine.

Sometimes, the big ideas don’t translate quite as smoothly onto paper as you plan. Whittling your hopes and dreams into just a few sentences can be quite an art - much like communicating all the reasons folks should choose your business over the next Tom, Dick or Sally’s.

The thing is, your online footprint shoulders the load when it comes to communicating your brand, values and purpose. The witty ways you word your work, the clarity in your offerings, the story woven throughout: these are the subtle nuances that craft your quality bottom line and give your clients a reason to stay for tea.

Good news is, that’s where I roll in. Carefully shaping the words, stories and ideas with your brand written all over them. Scroll on.


Copywriter in Wānaka, Queenstown and beyond

Knowing all the good you want to share with the world is one thing. Communicating that clearly and concisely is a whole new ballpark. That’s where I can help, slinging words that preach your ethos, breathe life into your tone, and sail right off the page and into your audience’s waiting arms.

Website content

Website content writer in New Zealand

Your website is the most important home for your brand. It’s your first impression point, it’s where you’ll turn customers into fierce allies and it’s where the world will go to find the offerings, goals and dreams currently sitting in your brain. I can help pull all that together, then throw it on the big screen.

Print assets

Copywriting for print assets

We’re talking advertising, brochures, posters, flyers, newspaper clippings and all the bits in between. Whatever avatar you choose, I’ll help you craft copy that communicates your message, reads like honey to your audience and tells a story so good you won’t want to put it down. And then I’ll make it look good, but more on that below.

Digital communication

Navigating digital landscapes

Communicating your offerings, heart and values in the land of the digital is, well, everything. Whether that’s paid ad campaigns, crafting a strong online presence, optimising your online comms or connecting with your community, I’ll help you thrive all over the interweb. Or, I can help you become a digital guru yourself - teach a man to fish, and all.


Website design and digital assets

Good copy is only as good as its design. That’s where I’ll help you make everything look as pretty as on the page as it sounds to your audience. Whether you’re crafting a product brochure or a whole new website, I can help you create simple, effective visuals that work hard and elevate your brand right up there alongside the copy.

Social media

Social media management and consultation

It might feel like the necessary blister of the marketing world, but for many businesses, this is where your audience lives, breathes and scrolls. And that makes social media the yellow brick road from your business to their eyes. I’ll set you up with the strategy, know-how, and practical tools to make hanging with the kids that much easier.

What the people are saying

“Tamara nailed the brief! She really understood the content I was wanting to portray and helped create my dream website. She was super efficient and clear and concise! Loved her work, cant wait to refresh my website to use her again!”

-Sarah Vickers, founder of S.V Holistic

“I loved working with Tamara, she is so skilled and so helpful. She went out of her way to understand exactly how I wanted my website, and took a real interest in what I was offering throughout the whole process. She listened to my ideas and gave great suggestions when I needed them - I definitely recommend Tamara’s website-building and social media services.”

-Kate Wolfe, founder of Dome Yoga

Let’s get wordy.

Whether you tick a box above or you’re after something well outside the square, hit the button over there to throw it my way. Whatever your project, let’s weave in your values, tell a damn good story, and craft a little bit of gold into the whole lot.